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Pågående: Slovakiske læreres behov når de skal undervise om likestilling

Prosjektets fulle tittel er: Bilateral Initiative: Research and Needs Analysis of Slovak Teachers in Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention. (For an English description of the project, see belowe)

I prosjektet vil det gjennomføres grundig forskning på slovakiske lærere i den videregående skolen, og deres synspunkter, utfordringer og behov i arbeidet med undervisning om likestilling og kjønnsbasert vold. Behovsanalysen vil omfatte kvalitative og kvantitative metoder, inkludert en nettbasert spørreundersøkelse.

Resultatene fra behovsanalysen vil danne grunnlaget for å utvikle konkrete virkemidler og verktøy som slovakiske lærere i videregående skole kan bruke til å fremme likestilling og forebygge kjønnsbasert vold.

Prosjektet gjennomføres av det Slovakiske menneskerettighetsinstituttet. Øvrige partnere er Slovakias nasjonale menneskerettighetssenter og fra Norge, Reform – ressurssenter for menn, og KUN Senter for likestilling og mangfold.

Prosjektet får finansiell støtte fra EØS-midlene under programmet for likestilling og menneskerettigheter.

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Ta kontakt med Ole B. Nordfjell på e-post: ole@reform.no

Bilateral Initiative: Research and Needs Analysis of Slovak Teachers in Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention

We are excited to announce the launch of our new project. The Human Rights Institute (HRI), in partnership with Norwegian experts- KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity and Reform – Resource Center for Men and Slovak National Centre for Human Rights, has successfully secured funding support from the EEA and Norway Grants, facilitated through this bilateral cooperation.

This initiative is aimed at conducting comprehensive research among Slovak high-school teachers to assess their perspectives, challenges, and needs in the areas of gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention. The research will encompass both quantitative methods, including an online survey, and qualitative approaches.

The project builds upon previous efforts to promote gender equality and prevent gender-based violence through education. The results of this research will be synthesized into a comprehensive needs analysis, which will serve as the foundation for developing targeted interventions. These interventions will be specifically tailored to meet the needs of Slovak teachers and support their capacity to address gender equality and GBV prevention in their classrooms.

The results from this project will directly inform the creation of innovative educational tools and interventions that can be used to support Slovak high-school teachers in their daily efforts to foster gender equality and prevent violence. Ultimately, this initiative aims to empower educators with the knowledge and resources they need to create more inclusive and safe learning environments for their students.

This project is supported by the EEA and Norway Grants, a funding mechanism that strengthens cooperation between Slovakia and Norway in the field of gender equality and human rights.

The Human Rights Institute (HRI)

KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity

Reform – Resource Centre for Men

Slovak National Centre for Human Rights (SNSĽP)

This bilateral activity is part of an open call from the Fund for Bilateral Relations which has been set up to directly support bilateral cooperation as part of the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

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