Tilbake til Lectures and workshops

Shorish Azari

About speaker

Shorish is a graduate lawyer, with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Oslo. In his job as a counselor at the Equality and Discrimination Ombud (LDO), he had legal responsibility for the Ombud’s work on harassment and sexual harassment. Shorish has solid competence in gender equality and discrimination law, and an experienced speaker.

In Reform his areas of expertise is:

  • How to work against harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Youth, sexual harassment and borders
  • Discrimination Law
  • Men, masculinity and gender equality
  • Diversity

Former lectures

“How to prevent and prevent harassment and sexual harassment” for:

Norwegian Officials Act (2018)

Educational Federation (2018)

Oslo University College and Akershus (2017)

Labor Inspection – Black Service (2017)

Open course day – twice a year (2017)

Defense – in connection with the Soldier Action (2016)

Joint Union (2015)

Labor Inspection Authority – Lillestrøm Supervisory Office (2015)

Contact info:

Tlf: 476 52 192
Mail: shorish@reform.no

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