Tilbake til Lectures and workshops

Hedda Hakvåg

About speaker

Hedda holds a master’s degree in gender and intersectionality from the University of British Columbia, and began working for Reform in 2015. Heddas competence areas in Reform are:

  • Youth and dating violence
  • Consent and sexual boundaries
  • Men experiencing sexual assault
  • Diversity competence and non-discrimination in practice
  • Gender, Sexuality and Norms
  • Intersectional perspectives
  • Body pressure and eating disorders
  • Minoritymen and health
  • Men in nursing

Former lectures

“Gender roles, boundaries, # metoo …”. Lecture at BUFF Conference (Child and Youth Forum), May 2018.

“Immigrants and health – a gender perspective”. Lecture at breakfast seminar. Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, February 2018.

“Youth, dating and borders”. Two days course for staff at youth clubs, November 2017.

“What does the research say and what do we know too little about concerning men being victims of sexual assault?” Lecture. Professional conference SMISO Elverum, November 2017.

Contact info:

Tlf: 476 52 056
Mail: hedda@reform.no

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