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Live Mehlum

About speaker

Live is a sociologist with special expertise in masculinity, gender equality and health. She has worked in Reform since 2013 and is a certified cohabiting therapist with background from PREP. In addition to working in Reform, Live studies Sexology at the University of Agder.

Her areas of expertise are:

  • Men, masculinity and gender equality
  • Youth, sex and borders
  • Men and sexual health
  • Masculinity and health
  • People buying sex
  • Masculinity and violence
  • Pornography
  • Minoritymen and fatherhood
  • Masculinity in a lifetime

Former lectures

«Why do men buy sex?» Lecture at the Seminar What do we know? Experiences and knowledge of buyers, December 2017.

“Unhealthy – the price of manliness?” Lecture on men, manliness and health.

«Partner counseling for men» Lecture for the Vestfold family counseling office, October 2017.

«Porn on the curriculum!» Lectures during Arendalsuka, August 2017.

«Youth, violence and falling in love.» Lecture for parents at Tønsberg and Nøtterøy Library, October 2017.

«Youth, Sexuality and Borders.» Lecture for young people at Tjøme Youth School, November 2017.

Contact speaker:

Tlf: 906 59 368
Mail: live@reform.no

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