

Are Saastad, Director

Are’s working background includes psychiatric nursing, being a union representative, working in multiple volunteer organizations, and he has been in charge of Reform since 2012. Men and boys health challenges is Are’s field of specialty. Are represents Reform on a number of boards, committees, and delegations, and in 2022 he was appointed to sit on the Norwegian governments Expert Committee on Men and Boys. In the fall of 2022 Are released his book “Usynlige menn. Likestillingens blinde øye” (Invisible men. Gender Equality’s blind spot) with Dinamo Forlag.

Mail: are@reform.no

Office: 476 58 045

Mobil: 91724293

Ole Bredesen Nordfjell, Chief Advisor

Ole is a sociologist and has worked in Reform since 2007. He specialized in men and masculinity as a reaction to the unilateral focus of sociology on women. In the past, Ole worked as a freelancer and as a counselor at what is now The equality and anti-discrimination ombud. Ole has a comprehensive Nordic and international network, and is responsible for several of Reform’s areas of work: boys and mens upbringing and quality of life, father’s rights, gender equality, masculinities, education and the gender-divided labor market

Mail: ole@reform.no

Office: 476 51 763

Mali Storbækken, Senior Advisor

Mali has been at Reform since June 2019. She has a Master’s in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and Social Work. Among other things, Mali has earlier worked in advertising and communication, and as a disability social worker. As senior advisor Mali has responsibility for Reform’s work with men who buy sex, boys and men’s sexual health, and fatherhood. Her area of expertise is equality in relation to sexual health.

Mail: mali@reform.no

Office: 476 52 519

Ina Kristin Wangsmo Slaveykov, Advisor

Ina has been at Reform since September 2021. Her education background is in child welfare education and has a Master’s in International Social Welfare and Health Policy. Earlier Ina has worked in a crisis centre, daycare, and also a research assistant. She has specialized in social representations and understandings, and is especially interested in themes such as boys and criminality, violence in near relationships, and men’s encounters with social and health services.

Mail: ina@reform.no

Office: 476 58 045

Berit Eggebø Næss, Advisor

Berit has been at Reform since October 2021. She studied Middle Eastern Studies, is educated as a physical therapist and has a Master’s in Mental Healthwork. She wrote her Master thesis about men with minority backgrounds who were victims of violence in near relationships. Berit is especially interested in equality in a health perspective and which frameworks and measures can improve men’s health, men’s selfcare, and care in near relationships. She has experience working in rehabilitation, physical and mental health, and working in health promotion in both private and public spheres.

Mail: berit@reform.no

Office: 906 59 368

Kelly Fisher, Advisor

Kelly has been at Reform since October 2022. He has a Master’s in Gender Studies and wrote his Master thesis about the role that gender plays in Polish men’s migration process in Norway. Earlier Kelly has worked as a research assistant in the field of gender, peace and security. He has also worked with youth and students on topics connected to social justice issues, and leadership skills. He is especially interested in intersectional perspectives about men and boys, men and masculinities in an international context, and masculinities and childhood.

Mail: kelly@reform.no

Office: 476 58 045

Bjørn Ole Ekeli, Finance Manager

Bjørn has been employed in Reform since 2006 and has seen the foundation multiply economically and productively. His contribution lies in 30 years of experience in economics and administration from NGOs, state and municipality, international trade, banking and stock exchange.

Mail: bjorn@reform.no

Office: 476 51 826

Steinar Ove Kvam, Therapist

Steinar is a gestational therapist, employed in a 40% style as a counseling therapist and has long experience of low-threshold work directed at men in crisis, men who carry out violence and men who are victims of violence or abuse. Steinar is also linked to several of Reform’s projects and our lecture activities.

Mail: steinar@reform.no

Haakon Aaars, Supervisor

Haakon is a specialist in psychiatry, as well as in clinical sexology / NACS, and has since 2014 been engaged as a supervisor in Reform associated with a project called Kast (a service for sexbuyers). Haakon works at the Department of Clinical Sexology and Therapy in Oslo. He is also affiliated with the website Lommelegen.no, and he is a regular columnist in VG where he writes about cohabitation and sexuality. In 2011, he published the book “Men’s Sexuality”.

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